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Scheduled Service Change: Upgrade perimeter NAT appliances to latest 7.0 train of firmware

2023-06-16 09:00:00
Expected Duration:
2023-06-16 11:00:00
Brief Description:
The High Availability Fortigate pair supporting Wireless NAT and the ITSO Transproxy service will undergo a firmware upgrade. One appliance will be down at a time and no service interruption is expected unless technical issues arise.
User Impact:
No user-visible impact expected.
Services Affected:
Subsites Affected:
Managed Firewall
Full Description:
The High Availability Fortigate pair supporting Wireless NAT and the ITSO Transproxy service will undergo a firmware upgrade. One appliance will be down at a time and no service interruption is expected unless technical issues arise that are outside of our control.

Timeline of Changes

Description Current Status Date Time
The High Availability Fortigate pair supporting Wireless NAT and the ITSO Transproxy service will undergo a firmware upgrade. One appliance will be down at a time and no service interruption is expected unless technical issues arise that are outside of our control. 2023-06-15 15:51:35