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Scheduled Service Change: Move Zoom call-back feature from basic/standard feature to premium features

2020-08-16 12:00:00
Expected Duration:
2020-08-16 13:00:00
Brief Description:
The Zoom telephony call-back/call-out option (where a participant provides a phone number and Zoom then calls them to have them join the audio portion of a meeting) will move from basic/standard features to the premium audio group.
User Impact:
Unless a Zoom meeting host has requested and received premium audio, all attendees will lose access to the call-back/call-out (telephony) feature and will either need to join Zoom meetings by dialing in (telephony) or using computer audio.
Services Affected:
Web and Video Conferencing
Full Description:
Effective this date, the Zoom telephony call-back/call-out option (where a participant provides a phone number and Zoom then calls them to have them join the audio portion of a meeting) will move from the basic/standard set of Cornell Zoom features to be part of the premium audio group. Hosts who wish their attendees to have access to call-back/call-out will need to request premium audio for Zoom and provide a business case/need for why they require the call-back/call-out feature.

Please note that the availability of the call-back/call-out feature depends on whether this is enabled for the meeting host (not by individuals), so hosts will need to request this if they have an attendee that requires it.

Timeline of Changes

Description Current Status Date Time
Effective this date, the Zoom telephony call-back/call-out option (where a participant provides a phone number and Zoom then calls them to have them join the audio portion of a meeting) will move from the basic/standard set of Cornell Zoom features to be part of the premium audio group. Hosts who wish their attendees to have access to call-back/call-out will need to request premium audio for Zoom and provide a business case/need for why they require the call-back/call-out feature. Please note that the availability of the call-back/call-out feature depends on whether this is enabled for the meeting host (not by individuals), so hosts will need to request this if they have an attendee that requires it. 2020-08-13 12:08:16