Scheduled Service Change: Video On Demand Terms & Conditions statement
Last Updated:
2015-02-26 05:00:00
2015-03-01 05:00:00
Brief Description:
User Impact:
Ideally there will be no impact during the change. If there are issues with the change, then the service's upload feature may be unavailable as the issues are investigated. Only the upload feature is expected to be impacted. No other aspects of the service should be impacted.\n\nAfter the change, the upload process will include a Terms & Conditions statement in-line as part of the upload process. Users will need to click an "I agree" box in order to upload the video.
There is no workaround for this issue
Current Status:
Services Affected:
Full Description:
On Sunday March 1, 2015, between 6:00am and 12:00pm, a Terms & Condition statement will be added to the upload process for Video On Demand. After this change is implemented, the terms & conditions (currently found on the product web site) will be prese...