Performance: EZ-Backup offsite 2nd backup copy currently delayed
Last Updated:
2014-07-08 04:00:00
2014-06-26 04:00:00
Brief Description:
User Impact:
There is no workaround for this issue
Current Status:
Services Affected:
Full Description:
Service Degradation: Backup, Archive and Restore (EZ-Backup/TSM) - RPO of 48 hours\n\nDue to maintenance activities and problems we have been experiencing on parts of the network link that is used to maintain our 2nd off-site copy of all data in EZ-Backup/TSM, the off-site copy of data on the adsm2, adsm7, and adsm8 TSM instances is now more than 48 hours behind. Our goal is to maintain the offsite TSM data copy to be within 48 hours of the primary data copy that is maintained here in Ithaca. There are no problems with the primary TSM backup/archive copies that are kept here in Ithaca. It is only the secondary copy that we maintain that is lagging behind. The secondary copy is only used for recovering from disasters that render the primary copy unusable.\n\nWe think the network issues have been resolved, and within the next day we expect that the secondary copy will be brought back within our 48hour objective.
Timeline of Changes
Description | Current Status | Date | Time |
All instances are back within the window. | All instances are back within the window. | 2014-07-08 | 04:00:00 |
The off-stage copy of data for adsm2 is now within the 48 hours window.\n\nCopy processes are running for the same on adsm7 and adsm8. An update will be provided when those instances are back within the window as well.\n | The off-stage copy of data for adsm2 is now within the 48 hours window.\n\nCopy processes are running for the same on adsm7 and adsm8. An update will be provided when those instances are back within the window as well.\n | 2014-06-27 | 04:00:00 |