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Scheduled Service Change: eList [3941] Y2 & B1 upgrade to LM v11.3

Last Updated:
2012-10-25 04:00:00
2012-10-29 04:00:00
Brief Description:
User Impact:
During the outage postings to the 39 elists will be delayed, queued and delivered\nafterwards. Also the admin web interface will be unavailable. Finally, bulkmail\nclick throughs will be unavailable.\n\nAfterwards many bugs will be fixed, including:\n1) if a posting is rejected by an elist,\nthe poster will receive email notification (currently there is a bug where the\nmessage silently disappears).\n2) several email sending bugs will be fixed\n3) the admin web interface will be more stable\n4) creating messages in the web interface will work better
There is no workaround for this issue
Current Status:
Services Affected:
Full Description:
The 39 elists on the 'hp and 'appgen' alternate eList service and the bulkmail service will be down briefly Monday 29 Oct 2012 from 05:30 am - 07:00 am to be upgraded to Lyris ListManager v11.3.\n\nThis includes:\n net-announce-l\n specialconditionstest-l\n\nMost elists are *not* affected by this work.\n\nDuring the outage postings to the 39 affected elists will be delayed, queued and delivered after...