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Scheduled Service Change: Video on Demand Truncated Title Fix (Rescheduled)

Last Updated:
2012-02-17 05:00:00
2012-02-23 05:00:00
Brief Description:
User Impact:
The patch does NOT involve any expected outage or interruption. The change will retain the full text of long video titles as entered (current long titles are truncated without notification) but the full title will only be displayed to users entering the video detail edit interface. Previously-truncated titles will NOT be fixed by this change. It will only address videos uploaded after the patch is applied.
There is no workaround for this issue
Current Status:
Services Affected:
Full Description:
Rescheduled from 2/17. This is a fix to address a bug with the Video on Demand MediaSpace application whereby video titles longer than a certain length are being truncated (for all data of record). The patch will allow longer titles, although the longer title will only be visible to owners when editing content metadata (and also to system admins). NO outage or interruption of service is expe...